La petizione online Protect Tigers and Humans, Stop Illegal Logging in Sumatra chiede che le tigri di Sumatra che ancora vivono nel loro habitat, complessivamente meno di 400, vengano protette e salvaguardate dal disboscamento illegale delle zone in cui si trovano e dai rischi di essere uccise da chi compie tali azioni.
Superando abbondantemente il traguardo delle 50 mila firme, si è al momento a quota 54.578 firme, ma perché fermarsi? Per aderire basta compilare con i propri dati il form online relativo a questa breve petizione:
Dear Didy Wurjanto,
In light of the recent tiger attacks in the Jambi Province, I am writing to encourage you to do everything you can to stop these attacks, and the deaths of humans and tigers, by putting a halt to illegal logging.
I understand that you are already at work on this issue, and I thank you for that. It is critical that these illegal logging activities stop before tiger habitat is destroyed and more lives are lost.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, [il nome di chi firma]In light of the recent tiger attacks in the Jambi Province, I am writing to encourage you to do everything you can to stop these attacks, and the deaths of humans and tigers, by putting a halt to illegal logging.
I understand that you are already at work on this issue, and I thank you for that. It is critical that these illegal logging activities stop before tiger habitat is destroyed and more lives are lost.
Thank you for your time.
Per firmare la petizione online
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